I always thought making boondi laddu was like moving a mountain but one of my relative made it sound so very easy. She said, it would take just 2 cups of besan, sugar and water each!! It sounded very easy, so we gave it a try!!
2 cups Besan (Gram flour)
2 cups sugar
4 cups water
1 tbsp cardamom
2 tbsp cashew nuts
2 tbsp raisins
a pinch of cooking camphor
2 tbsp Ghee (clarified butter)
oil for deep frying

Sift the flour and add 2 cups of water to it. The batter should be of dosa batter consistency (not too watery).
Simultaneously, prepare the sugar syrup by adding 2 cups of water to 2 cups of sugar. On medium heat prepare sugar syrup. The consistency of syrup when done should be of honey like thickness (Single string consistency).
In a pan heat ghee and fry the cashew nuts and raisins till golden brown. To this add crushed cardamom powder and cooking camphor (mesmerizing aroma spreads all over your house). Cover the syrup with a lid so that the it does not crystallize.
In a deep bottomed pan heat oil. The oil should be hot enough. When you drop a small drop of batter in the oil, it should immediately bubble up. The oil temperature is the most important aspect to make perfect boondis. If the temperature of the oil reduces the boondis will stick together. The boondis should cook and come up separately.

Hold the steel skimming ladle like the one shown below above the hot oil and pour a small amount of batter to it. Drops of batter fall into the oil and bubble up. Remove the boondis after 5-10 seconds and place them on a paper towel. To see if the boondis are perfectly cooked for laddus, press one in between your finger. It should get squeezed in, instead of cracking and breaking into pieces. Transfer the boondis to the syrup while you are preparing the other lot of boondis. Yes, You need some helping hands!!

The Boondis should completely take up the syrup. This is when you can start preparing laddus. Hold some boondis tightly in your hands and make real tight fist so that the boondis can hold together. It surely needs practice :)

I truly enjoyed the whole episode and the best part was tasting your own home made laddus!!